Wave Shape
Wave Shape

Farne Islands

Waves Shape
Basildon Sub Aqua Club

Book a Try Dive

If you are thinking about learning to dive, then the first step is to arrange a Try-Dive.

We regularly hold Try Dives in the pool from 8:00PM on Friday evenings. The cost is £20 for a single Try Dive or £30 for 2 Try Dives. Where the 2 Try Dives could be consecutive weeks for the same person or two family members on the same evening. This includes full kit hire, instruction and around an hour in the pool.

Contact us for any further information – you’ve nothing to lose!

Book a Try Dive
  • Run by experienced BSAC-qualified instructors
  • Help save time and money by trying scuba first
  • A great experience that could be the start of something amazing
  • All scuba equipment included
Visit BSAC.com